5 Persuasion Techniques To Increase Your Conversion Rate

Persuasion techniques are part of any salesperson's context. So, improving the ones your team uses increases - a lot! - the conversion rate into sales. When the power of persuasion is maximized, meetings become more productive and agile, directly impacting sales in the commercial area. Persuasion goes beyond “having a sly”: it is a niche with consolidated studies and a series of techniques of proven efficiency.

In this post, we'll show you 5 of them, teaching you how to structure a complete and persuasive sales process.

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You will read about:

·         Persuasion Techniques to Increase Conversion Rate

·         The 5 most used practices in the market to sell more

·         How Pre-sales can impact your area's results

Learn 5 techniques to increase your conversion rate

Technique 1: Apply mental triggers

Starting our persuasion tips to increase conversion rate, we'll start by talking about mental triggers. They are an excellent tool to shorten the purchase journey path and speed up the decision process.

The principle of this technique is to take advantage of studies on human psychology, awakening situations that induce the brain to decide faster. This happens unconsciously most of the time. That's why it is so powerful and is present in almost all Sales teams with good performance. The most popular triggers are:


The mental trigger of reciprocity is responsible for increasing the conversion rate starting from the maxim “it's giving what you get”. It may just sound like an old saying, but that's how our minds act in certain situations.

When someone offers us something, we have the feeling that we need to give it back in some way. In the sales field, this can be used to make the lead feel the need to know more about your proposal and your product.

One way to trigger this trigger is by offering free samples or time to use the solution. This way, the lead knows what you have to offer and may feel inclined to complete the purchase.

Another common mental process is feeling responsible for what we say, and then committing ourselves to it.

When a person gives their word that they will do something, they are less likely to back down or act inconsistently. That's because we all want to be recognized as trustworthy people, especially in the professional field.

To use it and increase the sales conversion rate, the salesperson needs to get the lead to verbalize a commitment. It can be either scheduling a meeting at a certain time or receiving a sample of the solution.

social proof

Being “Maria goes with the others” is a metaphor for the behavior of following the actions of others out of a need for social approval. 

This means that when a solution is widely accepted by its audience and those with whom the lead identifies, they tend to accept it as well. After all, if it works and brings good results to those around you, it's possible that it works for them.

Using the social proof trigger in Sales is possible with the use of success cases and testimonials from customers who approve your solution. This can be either the result of the company's Marketing actions, or something spontaneous done by the customer.

 For this reason, investing in service and quality is always the best alternative.


To understand the use of this trigger and increase your conversion rate, we don't have to go very far. Just remember those situations where a special friend asks for a favor and you quickly accept. Even under other circumstances, it is possible that you would not do the same for someone else.

This happens due to the bond of affection, which makes us have the need to please, agree and trust certain people.

In Sales, this trigger is activated when we create a healthy and positive business relationship. Going beyond professionalism, the salesperson who develops true rapport and friendly communication with the lead comes out ahead.


If there's one thing that nobody likes, it's the feeling of missing something. In Sales, this is the scarcity trigger. When the lead believes that a product or opportunity is limited and is about to lose it, he tends not to be left out.

For this reason, destocking promotions and “only while reserves last” phrases work so well.

Technique 2: Tap the right pain

It is not enough to offer your product in a generic way. To increase your conversion rate, you need to target your sales approach to your lead pains. After all, what drives the consumer to look for a solution is a problem.

If you don't talk about it directly, you're missing out on a lot of persuasion. So, the most coherent way out is to look for ways to map it quickly, reliably, and objectively.

For this purpose, the best alternative is to implement a Pre-Sales strategy within the sales process. In it, the focus is on the qualification and segmentation of the opportunities that enter the funnel, through the investigation of the pains and context of the lead.

Through the work of a pre-seller, filters are applied to all leads in the base, regardless of their origin. Thus, a contact is made by the professional, in which questions are asked to understand their pain and offer a consultative approach.

In other words, before presenting the solution, the company shows interest in knowing the lead's situation and helping it to solve problems in the best possible way.

, we explain in detail how to use this strategy and which technologies are essential for its success.

Technique 3: Position yourself as a reference

This technique is linked to another mental trigger not mentioned above: authority.

That's because when you become a reference in a certain area, you gain authority on the subject. Making leads trust your knowledge, as well as solidly establishing your brand in the market.

Being a reference means that when someone needs a solution like yours, your name will be first in mind. Or, at the very least, an indication of who already knows your work.

For this, it is necessary to offer a high quality service. This becomes easier using the previous strategy. Because knowing the lead pains, you become assertive in the solution. Therefore, it offers a positive experience that consolidates in its area of ​​expertise.

Technique 4: Be a good listener

Also aligned with the Pre-Sales strategy is the ability to be a good listener.

Train your team to listen carefully to what the lead says. In a call, the more your prospect talks, the better. After all, everything it presents becomes data that can help increase your conversion rate. It can be simple things, like interest in a topic like football. Something that should easily surface in casual conversation and that makes your action more potent.

Knowing this, the salesperson already has a point to generate rapport and be persuasive.

Technique 5: Make good use of storytelling

Telling a good story is the card up your sleeve for a successful salesperson. Stories involve people, tighten ties and awaken feelings. Which can be channeled to increase the conversion rate into sales.

When someone presents a product or an idea, it's more efficient to get the listener to be able to imagine it in detail. Recognizing elements, identifying and imagining what it would be like to be in that scenario.

This goes for positive environments, where the lead is enchanted and starts to want that positioning. But it is also true for the negatives, where the pain is evident and the prospect identifies the seriousness of the situation. Both drive faster decisions, overcoming resistance and making the lead more likely to complete the purchase.

With these 5 persuasion techniques, your team will be able to increase your conversion rate and sell a lot more. But remember: to get the maximum result, it's critical to have a well-structured process. This includes thinking that the sale does not end with itself, but is a reflection of how previous processes have pulled the lead so far.

 Read More : https://tajarat.com.pk/10-photos-showing-how-nature-is-reclaiming-detroit/


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